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Survivor Self Sufficiency is a TOP priority for the Seed The Survivor Program!

The Survive2Thrive Foundation’s Seed A Survivor program assists survivors working to rebuild their lives through a financial grant, financial literacy training, job readiness, and entrepreneurial coaching.

When a victim leaves a violent home, the upfront costs can be astronomical and can discourage a victim so much so, they may return to violence because they financially cannot afford to live on their own.  Once a victim leaves, they face moving costs, re-letting fees, the task of finding and securing a new home, rental deposits, utility deposits, lack of transportation, and money to buy the basic life essentials like food, clothing, gasoline (if they have cars), and more.

The Seed a Survivor Program gives donors the opportunity to directly connect with a survivor and their family through a financial seed grant of increments of $5,000.  This seed gives a survivor the amount a survivor will need to pay all of the upfront costs and up to 3 months rent in their new homes.

This seed acts as a cushion for the victim as they transition to through the Seed a Survivor program.  The Seed a Survivor program will work to give the victim the confidence to become self sufficient, with the skills to maintain their progress and success, and move toward their new independence, facing new challenges and winning with the support of the Survive2Thrive support team and our corporate partners.