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SANCTUARY : Ending Victim Displacement and Homelessness with Technology!

The Survive2Thrive Foundation’s SANCTUARY Program provides short-term housing stays, life resources, and advocate support to displaced victims of domestic violence who are facing homelessness.

SANCTUARY Program provides each escaping family, a hotel stay in one of our secured hotel partners. SANCTUARY also provides groceries, clothing, and toiletries.  Victims are given advocate support to build a strategic plan for their “next steps” as they begin their new lives without violence during their stay.  Stays are between 3 days and can be up to two weeks, depending on the level of complexity of the victim’s situation.

To meet the needs of a nation, we have adapted this important rescue program into scalable technology called SANCTUARY.

To further address the displacement and homelessness issue, Survive2Thrive founded SANCTUARY Platform LLC (SPLLC) in 2019.  SPLLC has adapted the SANCTUARY Program into a web solution to serve victims of domestic violence and abuse to provide resources and support, simply called SANCTUARY.

SANCTUARY was developed to serve first responders nationally, and soon globally to serve 100% of those coming to their doors.  They will never have to turn anyone away…again.

Victims will no longer need to call shelters daily to find available space and can use the app as a tracking system for their important appointments, contact information, their personal goals, completed goals, laid out in a customized and easily digestible format they will be able to reference at any time.  Through a chat interface, victims will also have access to advocates and counselors who can help them 24/7 when they face difficulties and challenges which normally derail them from their success.

Emergency shelters serving domestic violence victims will have access to the SANCTUARY, allowing them to reach more victims, giving them access to available shelter and hotel space, give transportation options, provide them 24/7 live advocate support, essential resources, and a tracking system, all from their iPhone or Android.

For more information, please visit